Results for 'Diana Marcela Patiño Rojas'

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  1.  14
    La Normalidad Del Desacuerdo.Diana Marcela Patiño Rojas & John Alexander Giraldo - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 35:283-301.
    Christian PlantinCentre National de Recherche Scientifi que:CNRS. Universidad de Lyon.
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    El mundo del trabajo en la novela francesa contemporánea: por una estética de lo real.Diana Marcela Patiño Rojas - 2018 - Escritos 26 (56):167-190.
    Esta investigación pretende determinar, a través del estudio de un corpus de novelas constituido por: Daewoo de Francois Bon, Terminal Frigo de Jean Rolin, Les Vivants et les morts de Gérard Mordillat, Les Heures souterraines de Delphine de Vigan y Nous étions des êtres vivants de Nathalie Kuperman ; la manera en la que la literatura contemporánea representa el trabajo como objeto de ficción. Con el propósito de aportar respuestas sobre la interrelación entre la experiencia del presente y las transformaciones (...)
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    Peter Zachar. A Metaphysics of Psychopathology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014. 274 pp. [REVIEW]Diana Marcela Rojas Velásquez - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (S3):252-255.
    Peter Zachar. A Metaphysics of Psychopathology. Cambridge, MA: MIT. Press, 2014. 274 pp.
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    Escritura para la reflexión pedagógica: concepciones y géneros discursivos que escriben los estudiantes en dos carreras de pedagogía.Marcela Jarpa Azagra & Nelson Becerra Rojas - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):364-381.
    La escritura para la reflexión pedagógica es una competencia profesional docente que debe ser desarrollada durante la formación inicial para que, posteriormente, pueda ser aplicada en diversos contextos educativos, enriqueciendo así el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje tanto del propio profesor como de los estudiantes con los que este interactúa. El ámbito de formación práctica es un espacio curricular donde esta competencia asume mayor preponderancia, pues el futuro profesor debe transferir diversos conocimientos teóricos hacia el ejercicio de aula. Bajo este (...)
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    Ingeniería constitucional en una Colombia presidencialista.Diana Marcela Zarabanda Suárez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (2):1-12.
    La ingeniería constitucional de Sartori plantea la necesidad analizar la edificación de instituciones jurídico-políticas a través de una técnica de incentivos y castigos. El presente trabajo indaga la existencia o no de incentivos para dirigir la facultad del control disciplinario por parte de la Procuraduría General de la Nación contra el presidente y sus ministros como consecuencia de un poder legislativo pasivo en esa actividad debido a un régimen presidencialista que mezcla las agendas del Congreso y el Presidente. El resultado (...)
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    Diálogo y pedagogía en el De Ordine de San Agustín.Diana Marcela Sánchez Barbosa & Biviana Unger Parra - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (69):77-90.
    The formation of the human being is a fundamental subject in Saint Augustine’s thinking. In his first works references to liberal arts are highlighted, and the dialogue form appears as a privileged vehicle of the educative process. In De Ordine, Saint Augustine represents a clear example of the interest and the appropriation of dialogue as a philosophical exercise, which has the double purpose of taking his listeners to the truth and to introduce the reader to the same dynamic.
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    Medellín y la planeación institucional de la miseria.Alfonso Insuasty Rodríguez, Héctor Alejandro Zuluaga Cometa & Diana Marcela Palechor Ordoñez - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (28):343-362.
    En la ciudad de Medellín se hace uso de herramientas y dispositivos, en el marco de la llamada Gestión Social, para ejecutar importantes obras para el llamado desarrollo urbano, que bien pueden configurar una “Gestión social del despojo”, en el marco de una “Planeación institucional de la miseria y el desarraigo”, generando víctimas ya no del conflicto armado sino del desarrollo. Es necesario problematizar esta suerte de modelo de desarrollo urbano, su gestión e implementación.
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    The Impact of IFRS Adoption on the Comparability, Quality, and Efficiency of Financial Reporting in Public Administration and Emerging Markets.Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Diana Marcela Figueroa Fonseca & Williams Arturo Martinez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1190-1198.
    This article investigates the impact of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the comparability, quality, and efficiency of financial reporting, both in public administration and in emerging markets. Through a quantitative approach, data from various public institutions and emerging market companies that have adopted IFRS in recent years were analyzed. The results indicate a significant improvement in the comparability and quality of financial reports, although accounting efficiency varies depending on the degree of implementation and administrative modernization in (...)
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  9.  12
    Comida y Sus Dimensiones Culturales.Ángela Otálvaro, Olga Vásquez & Diana Marcela Murcia - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    Introducción: La relación entre la comida y cultura es bastante amplia, por ello, se expone la agenda de investigación en torno al tema, a través de la revisión de artículos indexados publicados entre el 2016 y el 2022. Objetivo: sintetizar la producción académica de los últimos años teniendo en cuenta los temas claves, los países de producción y las corrientes teórico-metodológicas utilizadas en los diseños de investigación. Metodología: Revisión documental integrativa. Conclusiones: La literatura encontrada se presenta a través de seis (...)
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    Emociones, interacción humana y poder: comentarios a Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction, de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila.Diana Rojas-Velásquez - 2023 - Dianoia 68 (90):133.
    En este comentario destaco algunas virtudes de la propuesta de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila en Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction y planteo dos preguntas. La primera es acerca del papel de las emociones básicas en las interacciones uno a uno a nivel grupal e intergrupal. La segunda se refiere a la influencia que tienen las posiciones de poder en las relaciones humanas y la forma en que éstas alteran o modifican la lectura de los (...)
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  11. Quién hizo estas reglas? Interrupción del embarazo y objeción de conciencia.Diana Alejandra Alfonso Ayala, Daniela Carrillo Pedrosa & Lina Marcela Dorado Delgado - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel (eds.), Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Individuating anger and other emotions: Lessons from disgust.Juan R. Loaiza & Diana Rojas-Velásquez - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Munch-Jurisic’s account of perpetrator disgust raises important new questions concerning the complexity of emotions and their connection with moral actions. In this commentary, we discuss this account by applying some of the author’s ideas to the case of anger. We suggest that just as the relations between disgust and moral action are much more nuanced than previously thought, as Munch-Jurisic explains, analyses of anger can also profit from a more careful approach to such connections. Specifically, we propose that contextual factors (...)
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  13. Secci ón investigativa.Adriana Marcela Rojas Gil - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Pedagogía para la Paz.Diana María Sepúlveda, Camila Cifuentes & Bibiana Patricia Rojas - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-9.
    La Pedagogía para la Paz en Colombia se brinda desde enfoques diseñados para promover valores como la paz, la convivencia pacífica y la justicia social, buscando cambiar actitudes y formas de relacionamiento para prevenir la violencia. Implica crear y fortalecer espacios de conciliación, promover el perdón, la reconciliación y abordar aspectos como la resolución de conflictos desde edades tempranas. Escuchar y valorar las narrativas de las víctimas del conflicto armado en el hecho victimizante de la desaparición forzada, es esencial para (...)
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    Andrea F. Melamed, De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de emoción: Una exploración filosófica, Buenos Aires, Teseo, 2024, 292 pp. [REVIEW]Diana Rojas-Velásquez - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (2):365-368.
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  16. Secci ón acad ém Ica.Adriana Marcela Rojas Gil - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Euthanasia in Colombia: Experience in a palliative care program and bioethical reflections.Marcela Erazo-Munoz, Diana Borda-Restrepo & Johana Benavides-Cruz - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (4):310-317.
    The increased prevalence of advanced‐stage chronic diseases has augmented the need for palliative care teams. In Colombia, although the legislation promotes palliative care development, people still die without receiving management from a palliative care team. In addition, judiciary regulations regarding euthanasia have generated public confusion and ethical conflicts among members of the palliative care teams. Therefore, this study aimed to perform a bioethical reflection on the relationship between palliative care and euthanasia supported by data on euthanasia requests in a palliative (...)
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    La traducción como diálogo poético: Diana Bellesi y seis poetas norteamericanas.Marcela María Raggio - 2013 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 2 (2).
    Este artículo analiza “Contéstame, Baila mi danza”, la antología de seis poetas norteamericanas que tradujera y publicara Diana Bellesi en 1984. El objetivo es comprender las implicancias políticas, artísiticas e ideológicas de la misma. La antología editada por Bellesi incluye poemas de las autoras estadounidenses Muriel Rukeyser, Denise Levertov, June Jordan, Diane Di Prima, Adrienne Rich, Irena Klepfisz, y un ensayo de Barbara Deming. El volumen mostró al público hispanohablante algunas de las escritoras más relevantes del siglo XX, que (...)
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    A data-centric approach for ethical and trustworthy AI in journalism.Laurence Dierickx, Andreas Lothe Opdahl, Sohail Ahmed Khan, Carl-Gustav Lindén & Diana Carolina Guerrero Rojas - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (4):1-13.
    AI-driven journalism refers to various methods and tools for gathering, verifying, producing, and distributing news information. Their potential is to extend human capabilities and create new forms of augmented journalism. Although scholars agreed on the necessity to embed journalistic values in these systems to make AI systems accountable, less attention was paid to data quality, while the results’ accuracy and efficiency depend on high-quality data in any machine learning task. Assessing data quality in the context of AI-driven journalism requires a (...)
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    The importance of being Ernie.Marcela Herdova - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):257-263.
    Alfred Mele presents an influential argument for incompatibilism which compares an agent, Ernie, whose life has been carefully planned by the goddess Diana, to normal deterministic agents. The argument suggests both that Ernie is not free, and that there is no relevant difference between him and normal deterministic agents in respect of free will. In this paper, I suggest that what drives our judgement that Ernie is not free in the Diana case is that his actions are merely (...)
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  21.  35
    Ecos de la novela griega en el Renacimiento.Lourdes Rojas Álvarez - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:00-00.
    La novela griega, género polifacético de ficción en prosa, que floreció del siglo I al IV d.C., tuvo su continuación en la literatura bizantina. La trascendencia de la novela llegó al Renacimiento con Longo y su Dafnis y Cloe, que influenció obras como la Arcadia de Sanazzaro, en Italia, o la Diana, de Jorge de Montemayor, en España; y tuvo cierto influjo en la Galatea de Cervantes e incluso en El Quijote. También la Arcadia de Sidney es tributaria del (...)
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    This is a Tricky Situation: Situationism and Reasons-Responsiveness.Marcela Herdova & Stephen Kearns - 2017 - The Journal of Ethics 21 (2):151-183.
    Situations are powerful: the evidence from experimental social psychology suggests that agents are hugely influenced by the situations they find themselves in, often without their knowing it. In our paper, we evaluate how situational factors affect our reasons-responsiveness, as conceived of by John Fischer and Mark Ravizza, and, through this, how they also affect moral responsibility. We argue that the situationist experiments suggest that situational factors impair, among other things, our moderate reasons-responsiveness, which is plausibly required for moral responsibility. However, (...)
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    Unauthorized Uses of a Coauthored Work and a Doctoral Dissertation.Diana D. Jeffery & Janet Fries - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):118-126.
    This article describes the unauthorized uses of a coauthored work and a copyrighted U.S. dissertation by European scientists. The case involves alleged infringements of copyright and plagiarism in 6 works that were published up to 19 years after completion of the dissertation and up to 11 years after publication of the coauthored work. Relevant copyright laws, international copyright agreements, and professional psychology ethics and definitions of scientific misconduct are presented. Graduate students and professionals are advised to protect themselves from copyright (...)
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  24. Self-Control.Marcela Herdova, Stephen Kearns & Neil Levy - 2022 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Self-control is a fundamental part of what it is to be a human being. It poses important philosophical and psychological questions about the nature of belief, motivation, judgment, and decision making. More immediately, failures of self-control can have high costs, resulting in ill-health, loss of relationships, and even violence and death, whereas strong self-control is also often associated with having a virtuous character. What exactly is self-control? If we lose control can we still be free? Can we be held responsible (...)
  25.  4
    Motivation and moral psychology in perpetrator disgust: a reply to commentaries.Ditte Marie Munch-Jurisic - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The commentators of this book symposium have written insightful reflections on the philosophical, theoretical, and ethical implications that arise from my work on the moral psychology of perpetrators and their emotional reactions. In this reply, I have organized my response in three thematic blocks. I begin with a discussion of my use of normative language raised by Kim Wagner, then consider the question of motivation in emotions discussed by Jessica Sutherland, Marco Viola, and Juan Loaiza and Diana Rojas-Velásquez, (...)
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    Safeguarding Bodies That Matter.Danny Marrero - 2024 - The Acorn 24 (1):41-68.
    Judith Butler’s 2021 essay “Bodies That Still Matter” offers a compressed rehearsal of themes and moves that are developed in more detail in their 2020 book, The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind. In both projects, Butler spotlights the term feminicidio as an instructive indicator of brutality and violence against feminized individuals, including trans women. Feminicidio exemplifies the violence of “unequal grievability” that Butler’s recent work seeks to overcome; therefore, in particular relation to their recent work on nonviolence, Butler insists (...)
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    Toward a Pragmatist Metaethics.Diana B. Heney - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    In our current social landscape, moral questions—about economic disparity, disadvantaging biases, and scarcity—are rightly receiving attention with a sense of urgency. This book argues that classical pragmatism offers a compelling and useful account of our engagement with moral life. The key arguments are first, that a broader reading of the pragmatist tradition than is usually attempted within the context of ethical theory is necessary; and second, that this broad reading offers resources that enable us to move forward in contemporary debates (...)
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  28. Difficult Circumstances: Situationism and Ability.Marcela Herdova & Stephen Kearns - 2019 - Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1):63-91.
    Certain aspects of our situations often influence us in significant and negative ways, without our knowledge (call this claim “situationism”). One possible explanation of their influence is that they affect our abilities. In this paper, we address two main questions. Do these situational factors rid us of our abilities to act on our sufficient reasons? Do situational factors make it more difficult for us to exercise our abilities to act for sufficient reasons? We argue for the answer ‘sometimes’ to both (...)
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    Exploring Public Health Research for Corporate Health Policy: Insights for Business and Society Scholars.Lilia Raquel Rojas-Cruz, Irene Henriques & Bryan W. Husted - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Despite the growing interest in societal impact in the business and society literature, there remains a notable gap in research on the impact of health interventions on physical and mental health and social welfare. To address this gap, we shift the unit of analysis to the intervention, akin to the level of analysis used in health research. Drawing on a curated subset of health interventions in the workplace from the public health literature, we argue that management scholars can adopt the (...)
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    Thinking Transcendence as Ethical Relationship and Its Cultural Presuppositions: A Hermeneutical Encounter between Zhu Xi's 'Authentic Nature' and Levinas' 'Face'.Diana Arghirescu - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):556-575.
    Abstract:Through an intercultural dialogue—Chinese and Western—this article explores the possibility of building cultural diversity and pluralism in philosophy. It focuses, first, on building a dialogue between Levinas' and Zhu Xi's apparent (philosophical) affinity for ethics at the level of meaning of the concept of transcendence in the Neo-Confucian and Levinasian ethical contexts and, second, on uncovering and analyzing the inapparent differences at the level of cultural presuppositions on which this apparent affinity is based. I offer that both Levinas and Zhu (...)
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    Comparing deterministic agents: A new argument for compatibilism.Marcela Herdova - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (1):106-121.
    This paper offers a new argument for compatibilism about moral responsibility by drawing attention to some overlooked implications of incompatibilism. More specifically, I argue that incompatibilists are committed to some unsavory claims about pairs of agents in deterministic worlds. These include comparative claims about moral responsibility, blameworthiness, desert, punishment, and the fittingness of reactive attitudes. I argue that we have good reasons to reject such comparisons because they fail to account for key differences between deterministic agents. This provides us with (...)
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  32. Tractable depth-bounded approximations to FDE and its satellites.A. Solares-Rojas & Marcello D'Agostino - 2023 - Journal of Logic and Computation 34 (5):815-855.
    FDE, LP and K3 are closely related to each other and admit of an intuitive informational interpretation. However, all these logics are co-NP complete, and so idealized models of how an agent can think. We address this issue by shifting to signed formulae, where the signs express imprecise values associated with two bipartitions of the corresponding set of standard values. We present proof systems whose operational rules are all linear and have only two structural branching rules that express a generalized (...)
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  33.  21
    On why proximal intentions need to remain snubbed: a reply to Mele.Marcela Herdova - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (8):2025-2046.
    I argue against elements of Alfred Mele’s picture of the nature of intentions and the triggers of intentional actions. Mele (Philosophical Studies 176:2833–2853, 2019) offers rebuttals to my (Herdova, Philosophical Studies, 173(3), 573–587, 2016; Herdova, Philosophical Explorations, 21(3):364–383, 2018) and Ann Bumpus’s (2001) arguments which limit the scope of proximal intentions as triggers of intentional actions. Here I offer a response to Mele and provide further arguments in favor of my alternative understanding of intentions and the causes of intentional actions. (...)
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    Convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y la ecología de saberes.Rodrigo Severo Arce Rojas - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:69-91.
    El presente artículo de revisión analiza las convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y laecología de saberes con el propósito de explorar posibilidades de complementación y sinergias en el marco de una epistemología crítica. Para tal efecto se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica apoyada por los métodos deductivo y hermenéutico. Para la caracterización del pensamiento complejo se ha revisado la obra de Edgar Morin y otros autores como Boaventura de Sousa Santos. De la revisión se concluye que tanto el (...)
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  35. Personal Autonomy in Society by Marina Oshana.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):202-206.
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    Sobre el titubear, de Joseph Vogl.Cristóbal Durán Rojas - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:376-379.
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    ¿Qué Importa el preámbulo? Pensamiento decolonial en el preámbulo de las constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador: una aproximación desde el análisis del discurso.Sol Rojas-Lizana & María Itatí Dolhare - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):43-75.
    RESUMENLos preámbulos son introducciones cortas que manifiestan, en términos generales, el propósito y contexto de una constitución. Su contenido presenta una gran variedad de temas que reflejan el momento histórico y la ideología que dio origen al marco legal de un país. En este artículo utilizamos el análisis crítico del discurso para examinar los preámbulos de las constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador y planteamos que ambos son ejemplos claros de pensamiento decolonial. Nos hemos centrado en tres aspectos del pensamiento decolonial: (...)
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  38. Plessner, Helmuth:" Límites de la comunidad. Crítica al radicalismo social".Raúl Rojas - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (1):249-252.
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    Song neo‐confucian conceptions of morality and moral sources (zhu XI): Connections with Chan buddhism.Diana Arghirescu - 2020 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 47 (3-4):193-212.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Simply a matter of chemistry? The Nobel Prize for 1920.Diana Kormos Barkan - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (4):357-395.
    When, how, and by whom scientific knowledge is recognized with highest honors is illustrated by this avowedly atypical episode involving the Nobel Prize awarded to Walther Nernst for 1920. Mine is not a postmortem “wie es eigentlich gewesen” evaluation of the cognitive legitimation of his 1905 third law of thermodynamics, of whether the debates surrounding his work were justified, or whether the prize was merited. Rather, it is an admittedly close reading of many new and some old sources, an intrusive (...)
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    Comentario a “Una infinita potencia de negación: Blanchot y el humanismo de los años 1940”.Marcela Rivera Hutinel - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e0240095.
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  42. Different approaches to Thutmosis III.Diana Millar - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (3):54.
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  43. Henry Hopwood, founder of Echuca.Diana Millar - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (2):62.
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    The Higher-Ed Organizational-Scholar Tension: How Scholarship Compatibility and the Alignment of Organizational and Faculty Skills, Values and Support Affects Scholar's Performance and Well-Being.Milagros Pereyra-Rojas, Enrique Mu, James Gaskin & Tony Lingham - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  45. Hostos, apreciación filosófica.Carlos Rojas Osorio - 1988 - Humacao: Colegio Universitario de Humacao, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña.
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  46. Ideas precursoras de Jean Paul Sartre sobre la literatura en el marco de las teorías contemporáneas.Margarita Rojas - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (109):163-167.
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  47. Instante y Máscara. Vattimo, intérprete de Nietzsche.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2007 - A Parte Rei 54:13.
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  48. La gerencia necesaria.Luis Rodolfo Rojas Vera - 1999 - Telos (Venezuela) 1 (1):183-191.
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    Social determinants of health and political action.Francisco Rojas Ochoa - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):279-291.
    Introducción: se presenta un ensayo cuyo objetivo es fijar posiciones frente al resumen del Informe de la Comisión sobre Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (CDSS) proponer las acciones políticas que los movimientos sociales en salud deben emprender. Análisis: las recomendaciones de la CDSS no enfocan el problema en toda su compleja naturaleza y en especial desconoce la influencia decisiva de la formación económica social sobre la situación crítica de la salud en el mundo. Acción: se propone la unidad de los (...)
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    Sobre el significado de la noción de Indifferenz en Die Weltalter.Alejandro Rojas Jiménez - 2014 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):59-69.
    En estas páginas 28-37 Schelling concretiza cómo debemos pensar la noción de indiferencia. Distingue distintos modos de pensar la noción de indiferencia hasta acabar por defender que debe ser concebida a partir de la idea de alternancia à la Anaximandro que consiste en un proceso alternativo de preponderancia parcial entre las fuerzas opuestas de expansión y contracción (voluntad productiva y voluntad propia) que da lugar a un proceso incesante gracias al cual la voluntad es libre. En este proceso incesante de (...)
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